
I’m Joe Clark. I am one of the approximately two experts on TTC signage and typography.

I am, for some sense of the term, a transit fan. I know as much about TTC operations as the typical transit fan does. But unlike the rest of that lot, I have run out of patience. “No more Mr. Nice Guy” would be my motto here had I ever actually been “nice” in the first place.

Hence the cutline of this Web site: “Going scorched-earth on the TTC’s year-long streetcar diversion along St. Clair Ave.” (I could have added “in which levels of incompetence become indistinguishable from cruelty.”) I stipulate up front that my tone and inferences will rankle. But tell me how effective every other approach has been.

I will certainly name names and assign blame to individuals who are actually blameworthy. I will, moreover, certainly assail any and all policies, starting with “diversity,” that led to this debacle, that impede any efforts to remediate it, and that – mark my words – will result in a fatality along St. Clair during this diabolical diversion.

I am quite used to being right at this point. You should get used to it, too. I would suggest rewatching Broadcast News:

Edited screenshot: It must be nice to always believe you’re right, to always think you’re the smartest person in the room.

(He actually says “to always believe you know better.”)

Screenshot: No. It’s awful.